a faint memory
why are you mad?
because you're not listening to me.
I am listening, you're not hearing me.
okay fine, I'm listening, what do you want to tell me?
I love you.
you do? what kind of love is that?
I don't know. the kind where I love you but I can't.
how do you silence thoughts that wish to be words but to be spoken would only complicate life.. so thus they remain whispered only in dreams.
"i love you"
"i know"
"no seriously, i love you"
"I know"
"no, I really LOVE you."
"I KNOW.. I love you too."
....I'm sorry, I didn't know... I still don't.
it's so far away now that i'm not sure about the context of things anymore. i have known love of all types.. and this is what i get for believing.
my past is my past and i need to let it lie, the present is what was the future and the future hopefully will have a light.
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