Thursday, December 08, 2005

Food and Memories

So most people know that smells can bring up memories so tangible you can almost see them replay in you mind. Passing smells usualy bring to my mind images of people and a moment that we shared. Well.. so does Food! I associate certain foods with certain people. I just remember yesterday at work that I had to make lumpia for a Philipino Food Potluck with my hula sisters. Now I'm not Philipino.. and lumpia is the only thing I knew how to make.. think smaller eggrolls with slightly different stuff in the middle. Well the first time I learned to make lumpia was in England with my friend Kris while we were studying abroad in England. Good times, we brought asian food into the house. So of course the moment I thought lumpia I though about Kris and man.. it's not as much fun making lumpia on your own!

But it's nice to have these memories pop up once in awhile. They're like cool surprises you get out of the day. I could be walking along and when I think of Spam.. bam Jane and Ameer pop to mind.. along with Jane comes rice, frozen veggies and banana sauce.. mmmmmmm. Then there's Arby's and I think Mike Knox. Making wontons immediate conjures up images of my younger self on a stool with my mom, folding, getting dusty, and loving the smell of the wonton wrappers.

Food feeds life. I suppose it's only natural for me to link these memories.. since food and family/friends are two things that go hand in hand in my life. It's what has always brought people together. So while I enjoy a bit of savoury or sweet I also get a flashback to good times in the past.


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