Wednesday, September 07, 2005

band geek

so i used to be a band geek or at least hang out with them, i don't know.. is the colorguard considered part of the band?

anyway.. yes i was in colorguard, spinning and tossing flags, sabres, and rifles and dancing across the field in funny look costumes. one year it was a tunic over a body suit (going to the bathroom was a chore), the next year it was a one piece suit over a ruffled shirt with ruffled cuffs, and then after that it was a black leotard with black velvet pants (that wasn't so bad). but yeah.. there was something glorious about running across a field while the band played, running from yardline to yardline, trying to reach your flags in time and not get in the way of the band or smack them with your flag.. hehe. okay may not sound so glorious, but when you win.. that felt good.

why am i going on about a cheesy high school memory? well.. last night i was channel surfing and i came upon the world band corp championships. yes folks, it goes on after high school ends. but you know what? some of them are really, really good! it was fun to watch. not to mention.. men in uniform ;) haha. you may laugh but some of those guys are pretty cute. if you think about it, they practice really, really hard, early in the morning, in the evenings, carrying their equipment and uniforms wherever they go. you can develop some serious muscle that way. Not to mention they're 'running' around on the field, non-stop... while playing an intstrument, that is not an easy feat. And the colorguard.. more running, dance practice, flag practice, etc. They work just as hard, on the field with the band and off.

So anyway.. just a bit of insight into a life of a band geek.. maybe they're not so geeky afterall.. where's the nearest field?

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