Wednesday, February 06, 2002

bananas.. they're great.

but anyway what i have been thinking about lately are guys.. haha.. okay so i think about guys a lot. what else do you expect from a single 21 year old female? anyway. straight guys this is for you.. you want to know what turns a girl on? what makes them swoon for you? what makes you just that much hotter to us? BEING NICE (sincerely nice). that's it. that's all you have to do. be nice.. in a sincere way. My roommate and I were talking the other day about how hot a guy looks to us, when they do something nice. (Like help you up when you fall on your ass while snowboarding). You're not taking away our need to be independent or being to gentlemanly.. it's just about being nice to another person.. and damn if that isn't freaking hot! When a guy is truly sincere and not some jerk who plays girls, that's freaking hot.

I know guys are just as scared of girls as we are of guys. The fear of rejection, of opening yourself up to someone.. becoming vulnerable to them. There are days when I just want to say, "damn i think you're really attractive, want to go out with me?" Of course, that will never happen. My pride and the fear of tremendous embarrassment is going to stop me way before those thoughts even leave as a whisper on my lips... which I suppose doesn't help if the guy is just as shy. Oh well.. maybe one day, I'll grow some extra guts and just go for it. Until then.. I'll do some far away admiring and stick to being friends.

But for now I still have faith in love, all these years and having gone through heartaches and heard stories of other heartaches, I still believe in the stupid thing... love. Thanks to friends mostly. It's funny, because if you think about it, when you love someone they are that much more beautiful to you. I don't mean just loving a significant other.. I mean loving anyone. Think about it and try it.. when you're looking at a friend you love and care about deeply.. maybe you might find beauty you didn't realize was there before. And just remember that when someone who loves you looks at you, they're seeing someone beautiful as well.

Guess that's enough babbling for now.. night.

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